Office of the Registrar Petitions
Petitions for exceptions to academic regulations must be submitted to the Registrar for action. The Registrar will refer some petitions on to the Academic Senate Review Committee for consideration. Student petitions are available electronically to students through the MyWestmont portal by searching for Petitions.
When submitting a petition
- Your request should be stated clearly.
- The reason for your request should be stated clearly.
- Any additional documentation supporting the request should be included as an attachment in the online petition form or emailed to
- Once submitted, the Registrar will review the request and forward it to relevant faculty and staff members for review and consideration.
- Action will usually be taken within a week. The Registrar will notify students and their faculty advisor and/or instructors of the final decision.
- The Academic Senate Review Committee meets during the fall and spring semesters only. If a petition is received between semesters (summer or winter) it will be considered in the first meeting of the new semester.